Love List: Thanksgiving

Posted on October 9, 2014


I love waking up in a fort. Built by nephews on tippy-toes, on early, early mornings before the sun’s even awake.

FortI love spray-painted woodland creatures…

Spraypainted Woodland Creatures…tree trunks that look just like front paws…

Front Paws…double-parked geese who wait patiently for me to find and zoom my camera phone that’s never in either one of my coat pockets but always at the bottom of my bag…

Double Parked…and other animals dressed up for sporting and/or formal events.

Sporty CatI love this bit of the Don Valley this time of year.

First SignOh yeah, I’d love a coffee here for sure.Love CafeBecause, I love turning frowns upside down. And, whoever is sticking these stickers all over town. Whenever I see them, it reminds me to love my enemies…Turn Your Frown Upside Down…to love myself.

Love TreeAnd robots, too.

Love RobotBecause, when I do, sometimes strangers smile back. I love that a lot, actually. The not so random act of that kind of kindness: forming one’s features into a pleased, kind, or amused expression, typically with the corners of the mouth turned up and the front teeth exposed.

Smile…it lights up my day.

The LightIt ignites my purpose, especially right here, at my new favourite skyline intersection. Figuratively and quite literally when I remember to look up and to the left…Skyline…or straight ahead while waiting for the streetcar.

Blessed AssuranceAll this does is make me love life and this great city in particular like no other amalgamated municipal centre.

Toronto IS AwesomeHappy (Canadian) Thanksgiving and thank you for reading my blog.